Pupil Premium

Overall attainment for Meridian Pupil Premium children is higher than that of other non-disadvantaged children nationally.

What is Pupil Premium?

Meridian Primary School continues to receive a Pupil Premium Grant from the government. This is for each child who is currently entitled to a Free School Meal (FSM) or has been entitled over the last 6 years, for any Looked After Children or those who have been adopted from care, and for any service children. We want to ensure that these potentially vulnerable children receive the best support possible and our strategy is underpinned by our school values. (Please click on the 'PP Strategy' button below for full details of our current strategy.)

Our key focus is to challenge any inequalities which may exist and close the achievement gap between children who are disadvantaged and those who are not, thereby improving children’s life chances.

Aspirational for each and every child in our school, we work hard to ensure the inclusion of all children and to accelerate progress for our disadvantaged children. To this end we strive to nurture the children in our care and use current research and evidence to creatively explore new and innovative ways to support both their social and emotional development and their learning so that they become resilient, lifelong learners.

At Meridian, the percentage of children eligible for the Pupil Premium grant has reduced over time

How do we spend our Pupil Premium grant and what impact does it have?

We allocate our pupil premium funding to activities which are most likely to have an impact on achievement. In doing so, we use evidence from research and self-evaluation to make informed choices. We aim to improve teaching, provide targeted academic support for disadvanatged children and deliver wider school strategies. Please click the link below for full details of our current pupil premium strategy

In September 2015, Ofsted said, “You are determined that barriers to learning are not used as excuses for underachievement. As a result, most pupils achieve higher levels of attainment than expected, given their starting points.” As recognised by Ofsted in May 2019, we “have the highest aspirations for disadvantaged children”.

By the end of KS2, we have closed the attainment gap between Meridian children who are eligible for the PP funding and other non-disadvantaged children nationally. We want to continue to challenge social inequality by accelerating progress for our disadvantaged children further, thereby narrowing the in-school achievement gap.

PP Strategy 2021/22-2023/24